@loumarven Disciple. Husband. Dad. Dev. Learner.

Excluding Files in 'git add' Using Pathspec

When I use git to do version control in my projects, my typical flow would be the following:

  1. Initialize git repository (git init).
  2. Make changes to the code.
  3. Add the changes to the staging area (git add).
  4. Commit the changes to the local repository (git commit).
  5. Push changes to the remote repository (git push).

Inifinite Loop in Rails when Calling update_attribute in an after_save Callback

So I have been learning Ruby on Rails these past months, and I’m steadily learning the basics of the said framework. In this blog, I would like to share about one of the issues I encountered while building an app and the solution I found for the problem.


Getting a Good Old Jekyll Theme to Work on Gitlab Pages

I recently set up my blog using Jekyll and decided to host it on Gitlab Pages. While Gitlab Pages provides documentation on how to set up a static website (and host for free!) using their platform, it’s not as easy as it looks, especially when dealing with a good old Jekyll theme. After spending some time looking for a Jekyll theme to use for my blog, I went on with Lanyon. This post will guide you through the steps and challenges involved in getting the Lanyon Jekyll theme to work on Jekyll 4 and Gitlab Pages.


Making Time for Learning

Pile of books Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

You’ve always wanted to start learning something new to improve your skills. It may be a technical or soft skill you’ve been wanting to learn about/improve on. The problem is, you don’t have the time to spend for it. You’ve got work, have to commute, got a family to lead, got children to take care of — you have a life to live. So how do you make time for learning when your plate is seemingly already full? In this post, I’m going to share my approach to make time for learning. Let’s get started.


puts 'Hello, world!'

Most programmers start dabbling with a programming language by printing that good old “Hello, world!” string on the screen (or console/terminal). In Ruby, this is accomplished by typing (and running) the following:

puts 'Hello, world!'

In keeping with that tradition, this post marks the start of blogging my learning journey!